Sunday, February 28, 2010


What confuses me about our country is why when we see something NEW or DIFFERENT it gets bashed or like turned down, because its not something you see everyday.... or it's not to your likings? I notice it a lot and its not mature to me let alone it's annoying and sad because it basically tells me how we are not OPEN-MINDED as a Country. We stay so CLOSED-MINDED and brainless to new inquiring things. Take this man RICK KLOTZ (a man I grew to idolize in the streetwear world). He does everything HIS OWN way and does not go down a path a lot of brands are going down..... and he gets BASHED for it..... WHY? When people haven't took 2 hours to find out his vision or find out why he puts certain stuff on his clothing. We just judge from what we say and run with it. Shake My Head, we got to do better people! But the whole reason for this post is to tell you a BIG PART of GO DEEP and why I came up with the brands concept. It's not exactly like FreshJive (his brand) but I do as well want to take key points and things in life that we take advantage of and bring it to light so we can see the problem and fix it.

Respect this guy to the fullest and his new season of tees are coming here are some pix & a link to his video talking about basically his views on the worlds problems!


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